Sunday, 15 November 2015


'You need a hobby', said Zach's mum
'I have a hobby' Zach said.
'I mean a proper hobby, like playing football or bird watching. Not this' said Zach's mum, gesturing to the mess all around them in Zach's room
'I don't know what you mean. This is a proper hobby' said Zach
'It's not', said Zach's mum 'Inflating melons with a high pressure air gun is not a proper hobby. Look what it's done to the place' said Zach's mum, her arm sweeping around the room that was plastered in the gloopy remains of various honeydews and cantaloupes
'It makes people happy' Zach said 'I've had over 20,000 views on youtube'
'I don't care how many views you've had on frutube. You are destroying this room with your explosive fruit Zach. I won't have it. This stops now or I will pack your bags for you and send you on your way'
Zach stared defiantly into his mum's eyes. A hunk of watermelon that had been stuck to the ceiling slipped anchor and dropped onto Zach's mums head. Without a word Zach turned and began to pack the air compressor away.

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